SetEngineType Property

   ObjectTemplate.SetEngineType name

Argument values:

argument 1:    c_ETCar, c_ETPlane, c_ETRocket, c_ETShip, c_ETTank, c_ETTorpedo; most commonly c_ETPlane

Description: This property is used in Engine objects to specify where the engine will generate thrust. It is one of the following:

 c_ETLand - Thrust generated through child spring objects
 c_ETTank - Thrust generated through child spring objects, uses 4 springs for "tank style" steering
 c_ETPlane - Thrust generated directly from the engine, does not work underwater 
 c_ETSea - Thrust generated directly from the engine, only works underwater
 c_ETRocket - Identical to c_ETPlane, except that it does not require input, the engine starts running at creation
 c_ETTorpedo - Identical to c_ETSea, except that it does not require input, the engine starts running at creation

Related properties: SetAcceleration, SetAutomaticReset, SetDifferential, SetInputToRoll, SetMaxRotation, SetMaxSpeed, SetMinRotation

Used in object types (and how often in each type): Engine (63%)

Used in a total of 76 .con files: Physics.con, Weapons.con

Parent directories of these .con files: objects/Vehicles, Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from objects/Vehicles/Land/Sherman_T34/Physics.con)
   rem *** Sherman_T34Engine ***
   ObjectTemplate.Create Engine Sherman_T34Engine
   ObjectTemplate.SetNetworkableInfo Sherman_T34EngineInfo
   ObjectTemplate.SetAttachToListener 1
   ObjectTemplate.LoadSoundScript Sounds/ShermanEngine.ssc
   ObjectTemplate.HasMobilePhysics 1
   rem -------------------------------------
   ObjectTemplate.AddTemplate Sherman_T34TrackL
   ObjectTemplate.SetPosition -0.009/-0.799/0
   ObjectTemplate.AddTemplate Sherman_T34TrackR
   ObjectTemplate.SetPosition 0.01/-0.799/0
   rem -------------------------------------
   ObjectTemplate.SetMinRotation -1/0/-1
   ObjectTemplate.SetMaxRotation 1/0/1
   ObjectTemplate.SetMaxSpeed 4/0/10
   ObjectTemplate.SetAcceleration 4/0/10
   ObjectTemplate.SetInputToYaw c_PIYaw
   ObjectTemplate.SetInputToRoll c_PIThrottle
   ObjectTemplate.SetAutomaticReset 1
   ObjectTemplate.SetEngineType c_ETTank
   ObjectTemplate.SetTorque 4.0
   ObjectTemplate.SetDifferential 4.0
   ObjectTemplate.SetNumberOfGears 5
   ObjectTemplate.SetGearUp 0.95
   ObjectTemplate.SetGearDown 0.45
   ObjectTemplate.SetGearChangeTime 0.05

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