IntensityAtSpeed Property

   ObjectTemplate.IntensityAtSpeed number

Argument values:

argument 1:    range is 1 to 60; most commonly 20

Description: IntensityAtSpeed sets the speed at which the intensity should be at its full amount. For example:

 ObjectTemplate.Intensity CRD_NONE/20/0/0
 ObjectTemplate.IntensityAtSpeed 40

says that at a velocity of 40 meters per second the Intensity will be at 20.

Related properties: Intensity, IntensityOverTime

Used in object types (and how often in each type): Emitter (16%)

Used in a total of 117 .con files: Effects.con

Parent directory of these .con files: objects/Effects

Example: (from objects/Effects/e_ZeroDamage/Effects.con)
   rem -------------------------------------
   rem *** Em_ZeroDamage ***
   ObjectTemplate.Create Emitter Em_ZeroDamage
   ObjectTemplate.Template Fx_ZeroDamage
   ObjectTemplate.Looping 1
   ObjectTemplate.AddEmitterSpeed 1
   ObjectTemplate.EmitterSpeedScale 1
   ObjectTemplate.LodDistance 800
   ObjectTemplate.IntensityAtSpeed 15
   ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive CRD_NONE/0.1/0/0
   ObjectTemplate.Intensity CRD_UNIFORM/15/25/0
   ObjectTemplate.RelativePositionInDof CRD_UNIFORM/1/2/0
   ObjectTemplate.PositionalSpeedInDof CRD_NONE/-1/0/0
   ObjectTemplate.PositionalSpeedInUp CRD_NONE/1/0/0
   ObjectTemplate.StartRotation CRD_NONE/1/0/0
   ObjectTemplate.HasOverDamage 1

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