WaterShallowAlpha Property

   Water.WaterShallowAlpha number

Argument values:

argument 1:    range is 0 to 3.95; most commonly 0.5, 1

Description: This defines the amount of alpha transparency applied to the water. The lower the number, the more opaque the water becomes; the higher the number, the more transparent. This command is used in conjunction with the WaterAlphaDepth command to set the transparency (or lack of it) at the water's edge.

Related properties: WaterAlphaDepth

This property is not a part of any defined type of object.

Used in a total of 27 .con files: Init.con

Parent directory of these .con files: Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from Bf1942/Levels/Battle_of_the_Bulge/Init.con)
   rem *** Shader Default Color ***
   ShaderManager.SetDefaultShaderSolidColor 0.2/0.2/0.2
   run Init/SkyAndSun
   run Init/Terrain
   Water.SpecularEnable 1
   Water.TexLayer1 texture/water07
   Water.TexLayer2 texture/water08
   Water.NormalMap texture/normalMap02
   Water.ScrollDirectionNormalmap 1/1
   Water.ScrollDirection1 1/0
   Water.ScrollDirection2 0/1
   Water.SpecularColor 0.7/0.7/0.7
   Water.ScrollLayer1 0.03
   Water.ScrollLayer2 0.03
   Water.ScrollNormalmap 0.01
   Water.SpecularStreakFactor 0.001
   Water.TileLayer1 0.5
   Water.TileLayer2 0.5
   Water.TileNormalmap 0.5
   Water.LightDirection -0.3/0.5/-0.65
   Water.Color 0.65/0.6/0.57
   Water.WaterAlphaDepth 0
   Water.WaterShallowAlpha 1
   Water.DeepColor 0.3

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