YScale Property

   GeometryTemplate.YScale number

Argument values:

argument 1:    range is 0.35 to 1; most commonly 0.6

Description: This property scales the heightmap values of terrain. A higher number gives steeper terrain.

Related properties: DetailTexName, File, MaterialMap, MaterialSize, SeaFloorLevel, TargetTriCount, TexBaseName, TexOffsetX, TexOffsetY, WaterLevel

Used in object types (always present 100% of the time): patchTerrain

Used in a total of 35 .con files: Terrain.con

Parent directory of these .con files: Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from Bf1942/Levels/Hellendoorn/Init/Terrain.con)
   rem **** Initialize Terrain *****
   GeometryTemplate.Create patchTerrain terrainGeometry
   GeometryTemplate.File bf1942\levels\Hellendoorn\Heightmap
   GeometryTemplate.MaterialMap bf1942\levels\Hellendoorn\Materialmap
   GeometryTemplate.MaterialSize 256
   GeometryTemplate.TargetTriCount 4000
   GeometryTemplate.WorldSize 1024
   GeometryTemplate.YScale 0.6
   GeometryTemplate.TexBaseName bf1942\levels\Hellendoorn\Textures\Tx
   GeometryTemplate.TexOffsetX 0
   GeometryTemplate.TexOffsetY 0
   GeometryTemplate.DetailTexName bf1942\levels\Hellendoorn\Textures\Detail
   GeometryTemplate.WaterLevel 56
   GeometryTemplate.SeaFloorLevel 0

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