TexOffsetX Property

   GeometryTemplate.TexOffsetX number

Argument values:

argument 1:    range is 0 to 6; most commonly 0

Description: This property specifies what tile along the X axis the terrain begins to appear. For example, for Midway the WorldSize is 4096, but the terrain tiles do not start until the center of the ocean, so the offset is 6 tiles in.

Related properties: DetailTexName, File, MaterialMap, MaterialSize, SeaFloorLevel, TargetTriCount, TexBaseName, TexOffsetY, WaterLevel, WorldSize

Used in object types (always present 100% of the time): patchTerrain

Used in a total of 35 .con files: Terrain.con

Parent directory of these .con files: Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from Bf1942/Levels/Eagles_Nest/Init/Terrain.con)
   rem **** Initialize Terrain *****
   GeometryTemplate.Create patchTerrain terrainGeometry
   rem *** please note that the heightmap and material map for this level should be 256x256...
   rem *** thus maing the total world size
   GeometryTemplate.File bf1942\levels\Eagles_Nest\Heightmap
   GeometryTemplate.MaterialMap bf1942\levels\Eagles_Nest\Materialmap
   GeometryTemplate.MaterialSize 256
   GeometryTemplate.TargetTriCount 5000
   GeometryTemplate.WorldSize 1024
   GeometryTemplate.YScale 0.6
   GeometryTemplate.TexBaseName bf1942\levels\Eagles_Nest\Textures\Tx
   GeometryTemplate.TexOffsetX 0
   GeometryTemplate.TexOffsetY 0
   GeometryTemplate.DetailTexName bf1942\levels\Eagles_Nest\Textures\Detail
   GeometryTemplate.WaterLevel 32
   GeometryTemplate.WaveHeight 0.1
   GeometryTemplate.SeaFloorLevel 0

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